One of the biggest issues schools and parents have to encounter today is how to manage students’ electronic use. A common guideline advises that students aged five to 18 should not be spending more than two hours per day engaged in electronic media. Yet, this recommendation is almost virtually impossible for students to meet. In fact, two recent Australian polls found that half of the 20,000 surveyed exceed the two-hours guideline.
The guidelines were recommended after taking into account various risks and possible health consequences that can arise from prolonged electronic use. These include obesity risks, disruption of natural circadian rhythms and sleep cycles, poor eye health, and increased likelihood of postural issues. All of the above impacts the students’ well-being which in turn affects their learning.
This article is a good reminder that while technology is important and has the power to enhance learning, student health is equally important too. While it seems cutting and trendy to incorporate technological tools into classrooms, we should not sacrifice students’ well-being in the interest of using technology. I believe that moderation is key so that we can prevent the onset of any negative effects of prolonged technological use.
If you want to find out more about the recommendations for good technological use, click the following link: