Rewards don’t improve school attendance

According to a large-scale study of secondary school students in California, USA, awards for good school attendance seem to make no significant difference. In fact, in some circumstances, it could actually make absenteeism worse.   Researches found that if prizes were promised in advance, it made no difference to whether students attended school. If the … Read more

How to succeed in university

Throughout their schooling years, and especially during the A-levels, students are used to reading, memorising and regurgitating what they learned in class. However, when it comes to university, rote learning and regurgitation is not enough since lecturers expect something more.   University demands students to be able to think critically; they need the skills to … Read more

Higher Education: Then (1965) and now

In this article, Richard Vedder reflects on the changes he has observed in the education landscape before his 54th year of teaching Economics at the tertiary level. Mr Vedder observed that today, compulsory readings for students are only the prescribed textbook as well as occasional suggestions for students to watch a short video on YouTube. … Read more

Why turn childhood into a race for results?

Children need time to play and learn best when they are ready. It’s not about immediate results. This may well be contrarian thinking in a society as competitive as Singapore. However, allowing children to enjoy learning is actually the inner fuel that fires their desire to keep learning. Thus, it is best not to extinguish … Read more

The “word gap” and why it matters

The UK government has recently announced that it is launching a new initiative to address the “scandal” of children starting school in Britain without vital literacy skills. Education Secretary Damian Hinds promised to halve within a decade the number of British children lacking the required level of early speaking or reading skills – termed the … Read more

Children yield more easily to social pressure from robots

In today’s digital world, a research has found that future generations are more likely to be influenced by robots. The research conducted at University of Plymouth, found that children tended to trust robots without robots without question which raised ethical issues as robots and automation become more pervasive.   In the research, children aged seven … Read more

How to stop stressing over exam results

Exams are an inevitable and unavoidable part of a student’s life. However, what is more important than taking the exams is how students manage the results they get, especially if the results are not what they expected. Negative results can bring about various thinking errors such as “dichotomous thinking” when students perceive things in black … Read more