UK Schools to offer technical qualifications from September 2020

Recently, the U.K. Government announced that from September 2020, it will allow students at 52 colleges in England to study technical qualifications instead of A levels. Courses covering sectors including finance and accounting, engineering and manufacturing, digital skills, and creative and design, will be offered to students.

Education Secretary Damian Hinds said that the courses were developed to provide students with the skills they need to secure a good job. GCE ‘A’ Level students in 2020 will thus be able to choose between these technical qualifications or the traditional A Levels. The 52 colleges chosen to offer these new courses are spread all over the country and will include a three month industry placement and curriculum designed by employers.

Commenting on the announcement, the Prime Minister said that everyone should be able to have access to an education that suits them. The technical qualifications were essentially developed to ensure that those who don’t choose to go to university are still able to have access to a high-quality, technical alternative that will provide the skills they need to compete globally.

Everywhere around the world, we are currently witnessing an opening of alternative routes that provide opportunities beyond the traditional academic route. This is a great empowerment for students and allows them access to a range of choices they can take for their future. It will certainly be interesting to observe how these initiatives will come to fruition.

If you want to find out more about the new technical qualifications in the UK, click the following link:

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